Thursday, March 8, 2018

DIY Princess Canopy Tie Backs

Recently, when I wanted to do some minor bedroom upgrades for my daughter on a limited budget, I found myself repurposing once again. I had some candle wall sconces from my grandmother in a storage box of house "extras" that don't really have a place but are too precious to discard. I tossed those in a shoulder bag and headed to the local peddlers mall.

I needed a pair of something, although I wasn't sure what do-dad I might find, that were the same diameter as the base of the candle votives. So what does a peddler's mall have in pairs that are small? Salt & pepper shakers, of course! After trying a few different sets, I found these dainty shakers that were perfect for the job!

Back at home, all I needed was my hot glue gun & a pair of standard household plyers. One of the shakers had a very tight lid that required plyers for removal. After giving the shakers a quick wash with a baby bottle brush, I was set to repurpose! (If you don't have a basic home toolkit then I would definitely get one! My mom & I keep them in a handy hidden place mounted on the wall for easy access like the inside wall of the pantry or utility room. Mine came from The Dollar General store in town but retailers have similar ones like this one from Target.)

I placed a small line of hot glue on the rim of each shaker & immediately pressed into the wall sconce. A simple but dramatic transformation if you ask me! The very happy little girl didn't hurt the scene either. Happy girl, happy momma!

Overhead distressed shelf topper & fabric fringe by Holly at MoFauxChic. Long fabric tails imported from India via theDelhiStore.

Show me your 6-year-old feminine rooms in the comments.
What has been your favorite repurposed item?

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